Our US$ 75 mn Innovative Products VC Fund III now has five portfolio startups. Crossover investments in Miko and Dozee were followed by WIOM in April. And June saw two fresh investments in SubCom and VTION. Pune-based cybersecurity startup SubCom received US$ 1 mn from YourNest, along with investments from other noteworthy individuals and institutions. Read about them here. This was followed by a US$ 1.3 mn investment in VTION, a Gurgaon-based digital analytics firm that provides brands and advertisers with insights on Android phone users. More about them here.
Building new bridges in USA
After several successful meetings with potential LPs and individual investors who have expressed an interest in taking a deeper look at the current portfolio, Sunil Goyal, Managing Director, hosted a mixer for YourNest’s founders currently located on the West Coast. Held on June 10 in Palo Alto, the evening served as a welcome introduction for the founders and several advisors and investors who were also present. See the photos here.
Video: The Investor Talk by Girish Shivani
In a freewheeling conversation with Equity Match, Girish Shivani, Executive Director & Fund Manager, shared his perspective on how YourNest manages the deal flow and the eagle eye with which he and his team filters out thousands of funding applications before narrowing down on the handful who hold potential to become a Challengineer. See the video here.
Podcast: DesiVC by Sunil Goyal
Akash Bhat, host of the popular DesiVC podcasts engaged with Sunil Goyal to understand the genesis and growth story of YourNest. You can listen to it here.
New Team Members
With three new team members – an Associate Principal, a Portfolio Management Analyst and a Finance Executive – our team inducted fresh, young minds to helps us scale. Meet them here.
In the news
Gaurav Parchani, Co-founder & CTO at Dozee, shared his views on the role of emerging technologies as a catalyst in reimagining India’s healthcare in The Times of India’s Opinion section. Read it here.
*Photo: Statue of Liberty by AussieActive, Unsplash; Golden Gate Bridge by Lokesh Masania, Unsplash.